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ZeroStay Kanatal – Farmhouse


ZeroStay Kanatal – Farmhouse, nestled in, Kanatal, a small village at a height of 8500 ft, District Tehri in the Garhwal region of Himalayas.. With an expansive view of Himalayas, it can leave anyone wonderstruck and spellbound. You can experience the healing effect of Nature, the moment you are there. The aroma and freshness in the air, the beautiful silence and the depth of valleys takes you into a trance state of everlasting peace and tranquility.

Farming And Wildlife

Our Farms is a place where we grow vegetables through its natural process. The entire farm is surrounded by natural vegetation. The villagers are warm, friendly and welcoming.

Accommodation And Food

ZeroStay Kanatal accommodation is unique in a sense that it is made up of all eco-friendly material available locally and employing local unskilled laborers. It was always a challenge to make them understand anything initially, as they are also somewhat influenced by construction techniques used in Cities these days and they always used to tell us why are you making it like this, no one makes it like this now, but after three years of persistent efforts, we have comfortable eco-friendly huts with scenic views of Snow-Clad Peaks of Greater Himalayas and valley of Cedar trees. The huts maintain temperature as when it is cold outside, the walls made up of mud and stone keep it warm inside and vice versa. The food is traditional Indian food. Guests will have option for local Garhwali delicacies. Guests are invited to join in activities like working in the vegetable garden, taking the goats to graze or milking the buffalo. Students with projects on learning about farming will find there stay rewarding as traditional Indian farming still follows ancient traditional methods. It is also an opportunity for people stuck in Urban areas to rediscover themselves by connecting with Nature in a very hand-on manner. We have recently planted Apple, Pears, Black Litchi, and Cedar trees.
At night after hard days’ work; guests can relax, watch the stars, or simply sit and listen the mystic sound of wind, birds, and deers from forest.
We offer various rural tourism holiday options ranging from one night stay to month’s long stay options. Please feel free to contact us for customized detailed itineraries for schools, corporate, individuals, and families.